Alif : Journal of Comparative Poetics, n°41
"Literature, History, and Historiography"
AUC Press, 2021
EAN13 : 9781649031471
This issue of Alif explores the relationship between literature and history. What do history and literature have to say to each other? What can literature say that history cannot, and vice versa? Do they work with or against each other? How does the literary dimension of history affect its status, and how does the historicity of literature, in turn, shape its being? What would it mean to speak of a “literariness of history” today? The terms “literature” and “history” in our title are intended to be construed in the broadest possible sense and to cover the widest possible range of genres and modalities of literary and historical writing. The articles in this issue bring together varied themes and geographies, ranging from Daghestan to the USA, from Japan to Egypt, and multiple locations in-between, dealing with matters as diverse as the Convulsionaries, counterfactual Israels, poetry as historiography, the representation of history in dreams, the influence of Islamic traditions on Coptic writing, Orientalist approaches to the documentation of Arab music, and much else.
English and French Section:
- • Anne C. Vila: Shaking Up the Enlightenment: Jansenist Convulsionnaires and Their Witnesses in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Paris
- • Rebecca Ruth Gould: The Antiquarian Imagination in Multilingual Daghestan
- • Balthazar I. Beckett: “Like a Butterfly on a Pin”: Witnessing Genealogies of Whiteness in James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man”
- • Madonna Kalousian: Between Invertible and Invertebrate Histories: The Evolution of Rachid Boudjedra’s Snail-Man
- • Ziad Dallal: Chronicles of the Mundane and the Eternal Present: Literary Montage in Dhāt and Kāna ghadan
- • Wen-chi Li: Transgressing Hegemonic Discourses: Yang Mu, the Poet-Historian, and His Minor Narratives
- • Isabelle Hesse: Counterfactual Israels: Zionism, Nation-Building, and Indigeneity in Contemporary Jewish Writing
- • Daniel Rivet: La littérature élargissant la connaissance de l’histoire
- • Francesca Orsini and Peter Kornicki: East and South Asian Perspectives on History, Languages and Literatures: A Conversation
Arabic Section:
- • Céza Kassem: History and the Novel: Introduction and Analytical Overview
- • Tarif Khalidi: Writing Pre-Modern Arab History: Introductory Critical Approach
- • Magdi Guirguis: Arab Traditions in the Writing of Coptic History
- • Itzea Goikolea-Amiano: Al-Andalus in Spanish-Ruled Morocco: Politics of Prestige and Circularity of History in Al-Mu‘tamid and Ketama
- • Ahmed F. Khaleel: World War II in the Poetry of Muhammad Mahdi al-Jawahiri
- • Abdullah Ibrahim: Narrative Dreams and History
- • Karim Elsaiad: Being-towards-Apocalypse: An Ontological-Historical Analysis of Maṭar’s Poetry
- • Mohamed Birairi: Intertextuality between Sunset Oasis and Cairo Swan Song: A Reading of Two Egyptian Colonial Periods
- • Azza Madian: Musical Orientalism: Two Studies from the early 1800s between Contemporary Performance Practices and Early Manuscripts