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French Studies Bulletin, vol. 46-2 :

French Studies Bulletin, vol. 46-2 : "Surroundings/Environs"

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Natasha Bikkul)

'Surroundings/Environs', a French Studies Bulletin Special Issue, now available online.

Liverpool University Press is pleased to inform you of the latest content in French Studies Bulletin . Published on behalf of the Society for French Studies , it is the companion journal to French Studies and publishes short articles in English or French on topics spanning all areas of the subject as well as debates and pedagogical reflections. 

Volume 46.2 is a Special Issue titled 'Surroundings/Environs' which explores the affinity between poetry and surroundings . Guest Edited by David Ewing and Elly Walters, the articles in this special issue were first presented as papers at the 2023 Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference at King's College London. 

The issue features contributions on air and space in the performance poems of Christophe Tarkos, haunting in the works of Benjamin Fondane and Camille de Toledo, the activist and decolonial potential of translating between Breton and French, and indeterminacy in the medieval fabliau La Saineresse

You will also find reports on conferences and other activities of the society and the latest Postgraduate Bulletin Board. 

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Table of contents

Surroundings/Environs: Introduction
David Ewing and Elly Walters

Research Articles
'In the air, on the other hand, a lot happens': Atmospheric Processes in the Performance Poems of Christophe Tarkos
Gareth Hughes

The Ghosts that Surround Us: A Cross-Reading of Benjamin Fondane and Camille de Toledo
Alix Stéphan

Translation as Activism in Peripheralized Communities: The Example of Brittany
Joseph Duckett

Queering Borders: (In)visible Blood in 'La Saineresse'
Rachel Hayes

Reports on Conferences and Other Activities
Ry Montgomery, Emma Claussen, Hannah Weaver, and Adam Agowun

Postgraduate Bulletin Board
Postgraduate Bulletin Board
Tobias Barnett

SFS News
SFS News
Giovanni MeneGalle

Best wishes,
Liverpool University Press