SIKORSKA, Liliana [dir.], Medievalisms. The Poetics of Literary Re-Reading, Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Wien, Peter Lang (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature), 2008, 229 p.
ISBN 978-3-631-57217-7
The continuous interest in medieval literature, history and culture, has resulted in a significant number of works on medievalism. Medievalism, however, has many faces, which range from motifs and themes loosely connected with the Middle Ages, to works set in the period. This book explores all such diverse aspects of medievalism and attempts to show the different ways in which consecutive literary periods appropriated medieval literature and culture.
Marcin Cieniuch: Layers of fictionality. Reading Victorian medievalism in A. S. Byatt's Possession
Lindsay Clarke: The alchemy of imagination
Anna Czarnowus: Artificial discourse of national belonging: the case of Anglo-Saxonism
Jacek Fabiszak: The gender of the Vice: from the Medieval she-vice to the Renaissance she-villain in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Keiko Hamaguchi: Rewriting Arthurian legends in Soseki: «Kairoko» and Malory
Lukasz Hudomiet: The portrayal of (d)evil in Iris Murdoch's The Flight from the Enchanter, A Fairly Honourable Defeat and The Time of the Angels
Dagmara Krzyzaniak: Medieval dramatic tradition revisited in Peter Barnes' Red noses
Joanna Maciulewicz: Translations and imitations of medieval texts in Neoclassicism: Chaucer as a «rough diamond» that «must first be polished ere he shines»
Malgorzata Milczarek: The witch in English literature: negotiation of power and gender politics
Hans Sauer: Teaching the English Middle Ages of film - possibilities, problems, perspectives
Agnieszka Setecka: Alfred Tennyson's «Vivien» and «Guinevere»: sensation stories in medieval setting
Liliana Sikorska: The alchemy of love: Representing desire in a medievalist (con)text. Lindsay Clarke's The Chymical Wedding
Anna Warmuz: Medieval bestiaries and modern beasts - the making of beast fables in contemporary literature
Andrzej Wicher: Some Boethian and ecclesiological themes in C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters
Wladyslaw Witalisz: Blind Hary's The Wallace and Mel Gibson's Braveheart: what do medieval romance and Hollywood film have in common?
Liliana Sikorska is Professor of English literature and head of the Department of English Literature and Literary Linguistics at the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. She has authored and edited several books and numerous articles on Medieval and contemporary English literature, Irish literature, notably on drama and medieval mystical culture, among them In a Manner of Morall Playe. Social Ideologies in Medieval Morality Plays and Interludes (1350-1517) (2002), Ironies of Art/Tragedies of Life: Essays on Irish Literature (2005) and A Universe of (Hi)stories: Essays on J.M. Coetzee (2006).