Appels à contributions
The Couch

The Couch

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Esther Wang)

The Couch
Vol. 35 | No. 2 | September 2009
Guest Editor
Joyce C. H. Liu
National Chiao-tung University, Taiwan
Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2008

The effort to unravel the knotted relationships between and among the image, the speaking being (parlêtre) and the political has preoccupied such contemporary philosophers as Michel Foucault, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacque Rancière, Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar, and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. They seem to be engaged, implicitly or explicitly, in an ongoing dialogue with the ideas, images, tropes of psychoanalysis, in particular those of Freud and Lacan.
This issue of Concentric invites contributions that explore the connections between psychoanalysis and philosophy, particularly on issues related to the image, the speaking being and the political. We welcome essays responding to such questions as: Is the image really able to perform the unsayable through the sayable? Can the world be opened up through multifold images in such a way that it becomes free of the regime of the merely visible? What is the relation between image and truth? Between the“messianic moment”and language? What might be the place of the objet a (or the apparatus of desire) in the texts of the above-mentioned writers, and/or of others who share some of the same concerns? Can the topology of philosophy really contain the Freudian dreamwork or the Boromian knots of Lacan? Can either ontology or psychoanalysis finally help us to understand the actual, the very “real” processes of the political?
This issue of Concentric, then, offers the opportunity to re-think the political within a psychoanalytic context that focuses on the image and the speaking being. We encourage rigorous investigations of these issues, both in essays dealing directly with theortical texts and in those dealing with literary, artistic and/or cultural texts.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
1. Manuscripts should be submitted in English. Please send the manuscript, an abstract (about 300 words), a list of keywords (5-6), and a vita as Word-attachments to Alternatively, please mail us two hard copies and an IBM-compatible diskette copy. Concentric will acknowledge receipt of the submission but will not return it after review.
2. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the latest edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Except for footnotes in single space, manuscripts must be double-spaced, typeset in 12-point Times New Roman.
3. To facilitate the Journal's anonymous refereeing process, there must be no indication of personal identity or institutional affiliation in the manuscript proper. The name and institution of the author should appear on a separate title page or in the vita. The author may cite his/her previous works, but only in the third person.
4. The Journal will not consider for publication manuscripts being simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
5. If the paper has been published or submitted elsewhere in a language other than English, please make available two copies of the non-English version. Concentric may not consider submissions already available in other languages.
6. One copy of the Journal and fifteen off-prints of the article will be provided to the
author(s) on publication.
7. It is the Journal's policy to require assignment of copyrights form by all authors.
Concentric: Literary and Culture Studies