S. Gendron, Repetition, Difference, and Knowledge in the Work of Samuel Beckett, Jacques Derrida, and Gilles Deleuze
GENDRON, Sarah, Repetition, Difference, and Knowledge in the Work of Samuel Beckett, Jacques Derrida, and Gilles Deleuze, Oxford / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Frankfurt am Main / New York / Wien, Peter Lang (Studies in Literary Criticism and Theory), 2008, 208 p.
ISBN 978-1-4331-0375-9
Repetition, Difference, and Knowledge dialogues with novels,theatre, philosophy, and literary theory in order to explore how threethinkers - Samuel Beckett, Jacques Derrida, and Gilles Deleuze - employrepetition as a means with which to radically unsettle some of the mostfundamental notions of the human experience (among them, time,presence, originality, and being). Due to its interdisciplinary scopeand its focus on repetition as an epistemological concept, this bookwill attract a broad audience of academic specialists across thehumanities from the fields of literary criticism, philosophy, Frenchstudies, and poststructural studies. Its simplicity of style,deliberate avoidance of complex jargon, and clarity of argument -particularly when dealing with complicated theoretical ideas and texts- also makes it an invaluable tool for use in both graduate- andundergraduate-level literature and philosophy courses. Repetition, Difference, and Knowledgeprovides experienced and beginning scholars alike with greater insightinto the works of Beckett, Derrida, and Deleuze and into the role thatrepetition has played and continues to play in determining how we readour world and come to meaning.
Sarah Gendron is Assistant Professor of French Language and Literatureat Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She received her Ph.D.in French from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Gendron has beenthe recipient of multiple research grants, grants for creatingMarquette's annual Foreign Film Festival, and teaching awards. She haspublished on Beckett, Derrida, and Deleuze, has transcribed andtranslated Simone de Beauvoir's notes for a novel, and has participatedin the publication of pedagogical materials for a French languagetextbook. Her current research focuses on theory and art of and aboutgenocide: the Holocaust experience in France, Cambodia in the 1970's,and Rwanda in 1994.