Call for Papers for the 8th DTG Tolkien Seminar: "Tolkien and the Middle Ages"
University of Potsdam, April 29 – May 1, 2011
Tolkien's works are often related to medieval culture and traditions – which comes as no surprise, considering the author's academic background as a medievalist. But what exactly characterises the dialogue between the middle ages and modernity that Tolkien's (literary and academic) texts engender? In this context, we would like to encourage inquiries focussing on, but not limited to, the following aspects: the significance of premodern social structures, power relations, mental attitudes and behaviour patterns as well as medieval forms of imagination, for the mythology of Middle-earth; Tolkien's adaptations of medieval texts and traditions (e.g. the recently published The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun) and the accompanying conception of authorship and implied literary ideals. Papers may also take a linguistic approach, as Tolkien's writings owe their well established ‘historical depth' to a nuanced utilization of language that draws on premodern semantics.
In addition to these questions concerning medieval influences, their general significance for Tolkien's works deserves consideration as well. Do the diverse evocations of medieval themes and realities contribute to a nostalgic Anti-Modernism, as is often suggested? Does Tolkien present a romanticised view of the middle ages? Or does the otherness of medieval contexts serve to unsettle readers' expectations and perceptions?
Medieval sources, texts and realms of experience are a wellspring of inspiration for Tolkien: all papers and discussions will therefore focus on the meaning and effects of these influences in his works. Overall, the 8th Tolkien Seminar organised by the DTG aims at achieving a closer view of Tolkien's critical appropriation of medieval ideas and their interplay with the concepts of other eras.
Conference languages are English and German.
Please submit your proposals, accompanied by a short abstract, to the editors of Hither Shore at
Deadline: November 30, 2010.
Appels à contributions
Publié le par Vincent Ferré (Source : Thomas Honegger)