International symposium on Western/Southern,
Fr. 5 & Sat. 6 of December, 2014, University of Paris Ouest & Paris Sorbonne,
Organizers: AM Paquet-Deyris, apaquet-deyris@u-paris10.fr
& Claire Dutriaux, claire.dutriaux@paris-sorbonne.fr
Location: University Paris Ouest, RER A station “Nanterre Université », VR14
(Bldg « V », ground floor room # VR14)
with the support of :
- CREA, Paris Ouest
- HDEA, Paris Sorbonne & Ecole Doctorale IV
- SERCIA, European Society for the Study of English-speaking Cinema
A/ Friday 5 December, University of Paris Ouest, Bldg V, Room VR14 :
Morning session: Claire Dutriaux, chair
10 am: Welcome Breakfast
10.30-11.15am: Michel Etcheverry (Paris-Sorbonne University): “We’re all living in Carcosa now: death on the interstate in the American Southwest”
11.15-12am: Zeenat Saleh, University of Franche-Comté: “‘In between-ness’ in Samuel Fuller’s Run of the Arrow, 1957”
Afternoon session: Anne-Marie Paquet-Deyris, chair
2.00pm-2.45pm: Sébastien Lefait, Corté University: “The sinuous migrations of blackface minstrelsy in contemporary TV programs, or, can the blackface go west?”
2.45pm-3.30pm : Isabelle Schmitt-Pitiot, University of Bourgogne : “Law and disorder in Harlan County: what “justifies” Raylan Givens?”
3.30-4.00pm: Coffee break
4.00pm-4.45pm: Nina Fouilleul, Lycée Racine, Paris: “There Will Be Blood (2007): the Southern Gothic Gone West”
4.45pm-5.30pm: Jesús A. González, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain: “Winter’s Bone, Southern/Western or Post-Western?”
B/ Saturday 6 December, University of Paris Ouest, Bldg V, Room VR14 :
Morning session: Taïna Tuhkunen, Université d’Angers, chair
9-9.30am: Welcome Breakfast
9.30-10.15am: Juliette Bourdin, University Paris 8, “The West and the Western as grounds for reconciliation in the Civil War”
10.15-11: Yvelin Ducotey, University of Angers: “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) : the conquest of the Western by the biopic”
11-11.15: Coffee Break
11.15-12.15am: Keynote Address: Maxime Lachaud (freelance journalist): “Hick films and Redneck cinema: Delineation of a genre and southern reinvention of western themes”
12.30am-2.00pm: Buffet lunch in Bldg V, Rm V121, “Salle de Convivialité”
Afternoon session: Anne-Marie Paquet-Deyris, chair
2.15pm-3.00pm: Lee Broughton, University of Leeds: “Southern patriarchs, lost causes and fractured families in the Spaghetti West: The Tramplers (Albert Band, 1965) and The Hellbenders (Sergio Corbucci, 1967)”
3.00pm-3.45pm: Charlotte Aumont, University of Caen: “From North Carolina to California through Texas. A geography of genres and recurring structural motifs in between the Southern and the western in David Lynch’s Sailor and Lula.”
3.45pm-4.30pm: Final remarks and farewell apéritif.