2nd Series, Nr 8: 2019
Op. Cit.: A Journal of Anglo-American Studies (the Journal of APEAA – Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies) is calling for papers for its forthcoming issue, 2nd Series, Number 8, which will be published in November 2019.
Proposals along the Journal’s usual fields, disciplines and areas of research are welcome. The Journal covers all aspects of the cultures of the English-speaking countries from a variety of angles, including literary studies, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, performance, film and theatre studies, gender and sexuality studies, translation studies, linguistics, language teaching and methodology.
We welcome:
(10,000 to 20,000 characters, without spaces, including notes and bibliographic references);
(30,000 to 40,000 characters, without spaces, including abstract, notes and bibliographic references).
All articles should include an abstract (900 characters, without spaces) in English (and in Portuguese if the text is in Portuguese), and a number of keywords (up to 6). The article and the abstract(s) should be in a single document
3. REVIEWS of recent books or essays, as well as NOTES and NOTICES about journals are also welcome.
4. We also welcome brief ABSTRACTS of MA and PhD dissertations that have been submitted to public discussion in Portugal in the past two years. Abstracts in English and Portuguese should be c.1,600 to 2,000 characters, without spaces, in each language. Please don’t forget to include complete name, complete title (if the dissertation is in Portuguese, you can add a translation of the title), degree, university, date and name(s) of supervisor(s).
Op. Cit. being a peer-reviewed journal, all contributions are sent out anonymously to experts for evaluation. It is therefore required that the author’s name, affiliation, and address should appear only on the cover sheet of the manuscript.
The email “subject” should read “Op.Cit.-2019-Proposal-Author’s surname”.
All proposals and queries should be addressed to op.cit.editor@gmail.com.
Deadline for the submission of proposals: 31 May 2019.