Événements & colloques
Faith and the Search for Certitude: Religious, Phenomenological and Existential Perspectives With Jean-Luc Marion de l'Académie Française

Faith and the Search for Certitude: Religious, Phenomenological and Existential Perspectives With Jean-Luc Marion de l'Académie Française

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Ramona Fotiade)


Faith and the Search for Certitude: Religious, Phenomenological and Existential Perspectives

Keynote speaker:
Professor Jean-Luc Marion
de l'Academie franҫaise

9am-5pm 16th March 2012
Yudowitz Seminar Room
Wolfson Medical Building, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ

9.00  Conference Registration
9.20  Dr Olivier Salazar-Ferrer (University of Glasgow) – Opening Address
9.40  Professor Jean-Luc Marion (Université Paris-Sorbonne/ University of Chicago) – ‘The Unconditioned – God’
10.20 Questions from the floor
10.40 Refreshments 
11.00 Dr Ramona Fotiade (University of Glasgow) ‘Cur Deus homo - The Irrational Residuum of Being (Reflexions on Jean-Luc  Marion & Léon Chestov)’
11.30 Javier Bassas (University of Barcelona) – ‘The Saturated Language – A Phenomeno-Linguistical Approach to Jean-Luc  Marion’s Texts’
12.00 Questions from the floor 
12.20  Lunch
14.00  Jean Leclercq et Joaquim Hernandez (Université catholique de Louvain): ‘Michel Henry’s Paradoxes : Christ Without  Christianity’ 
14.30  Gregory Jean (Université catholique de Louvain): ‘Christianism and Phenomenology in a Post-Modern Context/ Michel Henry’s  Philosophy of Christianism’
15.00  Questions from the floor
15.20  Refreshments
15.45  Professor Alexander Broadie (University of Glasgow) ‘Creation, conservation and modes of being’ 
16.15  Questions from the floor
16.30  Round table discussion and closing remarks

Organisers: Ramona Fotiade (School of Modern Language and Cultures), Olivier Salazar-Ferrer (School of Modern Language and Cultures), Prof. David Jasper (School of Critical Studies/Theology) - University of Glasgow -


REGISTRATION FEE: students £10/ staff:20 (including refreshments and buffet Lunch).

T: 0044- 141 330 4583


University of Glasgow
School of Modern Languages and Cultures

Hetherington Building, Bute Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RS, Scotland
tel: +44 (0) 141 330 4583