Conference “Mapping Balkan routes: literary, cultural and linguistic landscapes” (Belgrade)
26 - 27 October 2018, in Belgrade, Serbia
2'nd International Conference
European perspectives Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade / Faculty of Humanities, University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”
Cultural studies
- Cultures in contact
- The Balkans and cultural contacts in The Balkans
- Cultural contacts of Balkans and region
- Cultural values, characteristics, specifics
- Interpretation of a different / similar culture
- Linguistic picture of cultural phenomena
Comparative literature
- Literature in the Balkans
- Literature of the Balkan region and world literature
Literature studies
- Literary genres
-Contrastive-comparative studies
- Contemporary literature in the Balkans and its characteristics
Is Balkan literature existing?
- Modern (contemporary) literature studies
- Literary studies in XIX, XX and XX century
Language and linguistic studies
- Etymology
- History of language
- Linguistic schools and directions
- Morphology
- Phonetics
- Syntax
- Pragmatics
- Discourse analysis
Lexicology /Semantics/ Onomastics
Translatology (Тheory of translation)
- Translation as a problematic and challenge
-Translation of texts from one Balkan language into some other Balkan language
- Translation of texts from one Balkan language into foreign language and vice versa
- Theory of translation (characteristics, future perspectives and development)
Didactics /Second language acquisition (SLA, SLL)/ Education
- Problems in teaching
- Teaching Approaches and Methodology
- Projects and possible cooperation in the field of Education
Abstracts of 200–250 words, in English, Serbian or Albanian should be sent as a Word attachment to the following address: Please write “Mapping Balkan routes 2” in the subject line, and include the following information in the body of the message (the attached abstract should not contain any data that would identify the author):
1. Author’s (and co-author’s) name and surname
2. Author’s (and co-author’s) affiliation
3. Author’s (and co-author’s) e-mail address
4. Title of the paper
5. Keywords
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 July, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be given
by 20 July.
Registration fee: - 30 EU
Payments can be made in euro or dinars.
o Prof. Ljiljana Marković, full professor, dean of the Faculty of Philology, University of
Belgrade, Serbia
o Prof. Aleksandra Vraneš, full professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade,
o Prof. Julijana Vučo, full professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
o Prof. Jelena Filipović, full professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
o Prof. Vesna Polovina, full professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
o Prof. Mirjana Marinković, associate professor, Faculty of Philology, University of
Belgrade, Serbia
o Dr. Merima Krijezi, assistant professor (docent), Faculty of Philology, University of
Belgrade, Serbia
o Prof. Vesna Polovina, full professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
o Prof. Julijana Vučo, full professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
o Prof. Mirjana Marinković, associate professor, Faculty of Philology, University of
Belgrade, Serbia
o Dr. Merima Krijezi, assistant professor (docent), Faculty of Philology, University of
Belgrade, Serbia
o Dr. Nailje Malja Imami, assistant professor (docent), Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
o Marija Popović, ma, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
o Danica Avramović, ma, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia