Call for Papers: Study Day on Order and Disorder on April 21st, 2015, at the ISSH of Jendouba, Tunisia.
January 5th, 2015 is the deadline for submissions.
The department of English at the High Institute of Human Sciences of Jendouba, University of Jendouba, invites you to participate in its study day on Order and Disorder. The study day will be held April 21st, 2015, on the campus of the High Institute of Human Sciences of Jendouba, Tunisia.
The Arab uprisings have shifted not just the socio-political paradigm, but also the academic scene and have opened a space for yet provocative debates. The heavy involvement of youth in the uprising calls for the necessity to ponder a number of issues previously unasked: the way the use of technology is dramatically transforming perspectives towards learning, the shifting perspectives toward traditional teaching methods and, therefore, the (dis)satisfaction with these methods, the relationship between generations which affects teacher/learner interaction, and the university as a democratic space, to mention but a few examples.
Among the questions that we are called upon to answer, are: How do we understand signs of order and disorder on campus? Does order always imply peace and harmony? In what sense has disorder on campus become the de-facto legitimate order? Can we conceive of disorder as a necessary step that precedes the harmony which characterizes order?
How can we find the balance between order and disorder? How to balance the teachers’ self interest with the interests of the learners and that of the community? How do political changes transform disorder on campus into a different kind of order? Where do order, freedom and responsibility intersect?
Can we continue to teach the way we did before, while ignoring what the digital revolution offers for instance?
How often should curricula be updated? Under the threat of the present ideological conflicts, can and should we still incorporate banned and controversial books such as Moll Flanders, The Scarlet Letter, Lolita, and The Satanic Verses among others, into the literary corpus? Or should we cater for the students’ ideological stumbling block? Due to ideological blockage, what role do censorship and auto-censorship play in keeping or threatening order?
In the teaching-learning process, where should teaching and learning be placed in the order of priorities? Where is the teaching-learning value in the LMD system which is rather focused on continuous testing? Does the teacher have to be in control of everything in class or just track off the learners? Questioning teaching orders, is the teaching order more a question of networking the students through a bottom-up approach than controlling one’s own knowledge?
To encourage innovative debates, we warmly welcome papers and representations on the suggested topic through word, sound, and image, preferably, falling within the scope of the above queries, among others.
Each paper presentation will be 20 minutes in length.
The deadline for abstracts (200 words, including a 50 word biography) is January 5th, 2015. The acceptance of proposals will be sent January 15th, 2015.
Participation fees are 20 Tunisian dinars which will cover only one meal and two coffee breaks. Please note that the conference organizers can help the participants with advice on accommodation and transportation.
For questions and submissions, please write to Dr. Sihem Arfaoui, Chair of the Scientific Committee, at sou.benarfa@gmail.com