Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Philology, English, is a peer-reviewed journal on English studies - literature, linguistics and cultural policies - published in English. The journal made its start in 2000 and has been published annually ever since.
The present volume contains the proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Language, Literature and Cultural Policies "Details that Matter"
Issue coordinator: Felicia Burdescu
Françoise Bort - Details vs Dogma: Details in Context (7-16)
H.P. van Coller - Internal and External Authorial Intention in the Romantic Novel Agaat by Marlene Van Niekerk (17-31)
Sylvie Crinquand - Literature as (a) Detail (32-45)
Anca (Burada) Chimorgiachis - The Importance of the Details in Peter Ackroyd’s Historical Novels (46-57)
Maria-Magdalena Făurar - Religious Beliefs in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (58-67)
Santiago García-Castañón - Don Quixote and the Ethics of Power (68-79)
Laviniu Costinel Lăpădat - Religious Symbolism and the Pursuit of Redemption in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man (80-86)
Marinela Lupşa - Feminist Literary Criticism (87-100)
Mihaela Prioteasa - Distorted Image of Women in Edgar Allan Poe’s Work (101-108)
Mădălina Cerban - The Relationships within Clause Complexes (109-116)
Diana Oţăt - Language Productivity in Contracts (117-137)
Georgiana Reiss - Types of Finite and Non-finite Clauses in the EU Legal Documents (137-149)
Simona Nicoleta Staicu - Semantic Approaches in Medical Texts (150-158)
Roxana Zamfira - Some Aspects of the Use of English as an Advertising Technique in the Case of Commercial Ads in Romanian Women’s Magazines (159-171)