Caught between Fact and Fiction: Eighteenth-Century Escape Tales
Co-editors: Denis Grélé and Michael J. Mulryan
Escape tales are a literary subgenre that has been a bit neglected by eighteenth-century specialists, but which nonetheless merits serious study. Throughout the century, Europeans were avid readers of books on prison escapes, such as those of Latude, Casanova, De Bucquoy, and De Trenck, among others, because in such works a version of heroism, defined solely via a confrontation with the arbitrary power of European sovereigns, predominates, a type of heroism with which the eighteenth-century reader could easily identify. In the memoires of former prisoners, however, the author often goes beyond a historical account of the escape in order to mold a more impressive hero, who will assuredly have a new life posthumously. Although these attempts at literary embellishment, which simultaneously represent historical transgressions and contributions to fiction are of particular interest for this volume, contributions on literary manifestations of “escape” from reality in a prison setting and hyperbolic portrayals of state prisons as a form of prisoner-vengeance are also welcome.
Submissions in French are also welcome, but once accepted for publication such articles would be translated into English by the editors.
Please submit your abstract of roughly 300 words to both Michael Mulryan at Michael.Mulryan@cnu and Denis Grélé at ddgrele@memphis.edu by April 15th, 2012. Authors will be notified by May 1st whether or not their abstract has been accepted. The due date for full- length is article if November 1st, 2012. Articles should be between 4,000 to 6,500 words in length, accompanied by an abstract of around 200 words. Both editors will evaluate all submissions and will notify authors of acceptance for publication by January 15th, 2013.
Preliminary inquiries are welcome: address them simultaneously to Michael.Mulryan@cnu and to ddgrele@memphis.edu.
Format: Follow the Chicago Manual of Style (sixteenth edition). All pages should be numbered consecutively. All NOTES must be endnotes, beginning on a separate page. Finally, list Bibliography on a final, separate page. On each page after the first, provide a HEADER with your last name and a short title for your essay. All materials must be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font.