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Communication interculturelle et littérature n°6

Communication interculturelle et littérature n°6

Publié le par Florian Pennanech (Source : Alina Crihana)

Communication interculturelle et littérature, No. 2 (6)

Avril-mai-juin 2009

Centre de recherche Communication interculturelle et Littérature

Université “Dunarea de Jos”, Galati, Roumanie

Faculté des Lettres

Littérature et interculturalité

Carmen Alexandrache - The Reflections of the Ruling Elite from the Romanian Medieval Outer Carpathian Area into the Foreign Travellers' Writings

Simona Antofi - Les représentations de l'exil intérieur dans l'oeuvre de Nicolae Bălcescu,

Les Roumains sous le Prince Michel le Brave

Ioana-Paula Armăsar - Stéréotypes ethniques et identitaires en Roumanie, pendant la transition

Iuliana Barna - Onirismul românesc - între estetic şi politic

Daniela Bogdan - Blurbs or the Power of Advertising Literature

Ruxanda Bontilă - Updike's Terrorist Wayward World

Mihaela Cîrnu - Discursul mitic publicitar

Ana-Elena Costandache - Discurs politic şi strategii alegorice în fabula lui Grigore Alexandrescu

Alina Crihană - Structures mytho-politiques et satire antitotalitaire dans La Ferme des animaux par George Orwell

Alina Crihană - De la science sacrée aux livres sacrés : idéologèmes politiques et herméneutique romanesque dans Un Tombeau pour Boris Davidovitch par Danilo Kis

Matei Damian - Le personnage de Guica: hypostases du colportage (II)

Mirela Drăgoi - Les professions de foi du théâtre romantique français

Nicoleta Ifrim - Discurs ideologic şi discurs literar în Viaţa românească: anul 1958

Nicoleta Ifrim - De la „convenţia literaturii” la „literatura convenţiei” în discursul critic al Vieţii româneşti: anul 1958

Mara Magda Maftei - ”Tânăra generaţie”. Foşti naţionalişti în faţa comunismului românesc şi a stângii occidentale

Doiniţa Milea - Les commandements politiques et les intellectuels dans les miroirs du texte

Ana Maria Munteanu - Arhitecturarea iconului mediatic în spaţiul cultural românesc.

Studiu de caz: brandul „Liviu Mihaiu”

Elena Niţă - Efemeritatea valorilor, a mecanismelor istorice, politice şi literatură. Actualizarea mecanismelor istorice prin politic

Maria Mirabela Paraschiv - La Libération Spirituelle du Personnage Beckettien à travers les Objets

Steluţa Stan - The Postmodern Maze and its Ideological Haze (Some Food for Thought or Thought as Food)

Angela Stănescu - The Utopian Idiom of the Nationalistic Discourse in Timothy Mo's The Redundancy of Courage

Andreia Irina Suciu - The Ideology of Postmodernism

Daniela Şorcaru - Power of Subcultural Ideology: The Case of Romanian Hip-Hop

Pompiliu Ştefanescu - Image and Ideology in the Discourse of Ezra Pound

Claudia Talaşman Chiorean - „Eevenimentul” de presă. Un studiu de caz: Tanacu

Andreea-Mihaela Tamba - Regularities of Behaviour' in Translating Culture-Bound Elements –

the Cases of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights

Onorica Tofan - De la discursul ideologic socialist la discursul politic postdecembrist.

Analize publicistice de Mircea Nedelciu

Rodica Mihaela Zanet - The Postmodernist Writers in the Postwar Literary Canon

Interférences et connexions linguistiques

Carmen Andrei - De la séduction à la persuasion dans la publicité. Deux arguments pour assener la beauté féminine 

Marian Antofi - Langage, communication et persuasion. Quelques considérations

Ionel Apostolatu - „Îngustarea” limbii române şi atitudinea faţă de împrumutul lingvistic neologic în cadrul preocupărilor pentru modernizarea limbii române literare la cărturarii Şcolii Ardelene

Rodica-Cristina Apostolatu - An Aspect of Globalization Ideology: The Impact of English Words on Other European Languages

Valeriu Bălteanu - Lingvistică şi ideologie în presa filologică românească

Daniela Butnaru, Ana-Maria Prisacaru - Ist die Ersetzung der Oikonyme begründet oder nicht?

Hatice Çubukçu, Mehtap Eşme, Ferda Ilerten - Gender in Basic Turkish Dictionary

How Sexism Operates in Basic Turkish Dictionary

Daniela Doboş - On Language and Power

Valentina Curelariu - Manipulation through Words: The Collateral Circumstances of Persons Rhetorical Device in Political Speeches

Stelian Dumistrăcel - Ideologizarea publică prin „noua limbă de lemn”

Alina Ganea - An Indicator of Speaker NonCommitment in Romanian – CUM CĂ - and its Role in Discourse

Teodora Ghivirigă - Terminologie si ideologie – terminologia economiei socialiste

Gabriela HAJA, Elena DĂNILĂ - Dicţionarul limbii române în format electronic (eDTLR) în perspectiva globalizării

Cristina Ilinca - Quelques remarques sur la fonction phatique des figures rhétoriques dans le discours de presse

Gina Necula - Violența lingvistică în limba de lemn a ideologiei comuniste

Amalia-Florina Popescu - Deprecierea mesajului politic prin violenţa de limbaj

Gabriela Scripnic - Approche pragmatique des indicateurs miratifs

Irina Stan - Fundamente ale culturii române: influenţa creştinismului asupra limbii. Terminologia latină

Cristina-Silvia Vâlcea - Language Change – Slang Updating

Rodica Zafiu - Ideologie şi mit în lingvistica românească

Narcis Zărnescu - Quelques pas dans le théâtre du discours idéologique


Laura Elena Munteanu - Translations in English Language Teaching. An Investigation of the Communist and Post-Communist Periods

Angelica Vâlcu - Les enjeux de l'enseignement de la traduction

dans une société mondialisée

Compte rendus

Doina Marta Bejan - Angela Bidu- Vrănceanu, Lexicul specializat în mişcare. De la dicţionare la texte

Gina Necula - Rodica Zafiu, Limbaj şi politică

Résumés / Abstracts

The Reflections of the Ruling Elite from the Romanian Medieval

Outer Carpathian Area into the Foreign Travellers' Writings

Asist. drd. Carmen Alexandrache

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Dans la société roumaine (la Moldovie et la Valachie) de l'Ancien Régime, l'élite dirigeante qui comprenait les grandes familles seigneuriales, détenait la préminence sociale, politique et culturelle. C'est pourquoi, cette structure sociale est restée liée à la noblesse, au pouvoir, prestige et à la richesse, situation qui obligeait à adopter un certain comportement social et religieux, capable à exterioriser son rang, à assurer la difference du reste de la communauté. C'était naturel de retenir l'attention aux contemporains, surtout aux voyageurs étrangers, bien que leurs notes doivent être reprises avec reserves grace à leurs visions subjectives et partielles mais issues du contact direct à ces réalités. Ces exposés, diffèrents à la suite du niveau de perception, de leur but, ont remarqué la richesse, les preoccupations, les habitudes et les moeurs de la classe aristocratique roumaine. On n'a pas negligee ni l'origine, ni la structure or les privileges de l'aristocratie, ni leurs signes exterieurs comme: les vetêments, l'habitation, leur place à la Cour, la participation tant aux èvénements qui se situent aux limites du quatidien, en assurant la cohesion au groupe social, qu'aux ceremonies de la Cour seigneuriale.Si, jusqu'au XVIIIème siécle, les mentions étaient liées surtont au role social et politique de la classe aristocratique ou on mis en evidence la garde de quelques elements bizantines. Alors, pour la nouvelle periode, phanariote, ont été remarqués surtont le luxe exagéré et nuisible, malfaisant, qui caractérisait l'aristocratie, l'orientation et le cosmopolisme des priviligiés, concomitant à la manifestation de leurs tendances européennes. En ce temps-là, face aux anciens seigneurs avec , un caractére digne d'estime”, les nouveaux seigneurs sont flatteurs envers les plus grands et arrogants envers ceux qui sont inférieurs, ils sont aussi intrigants, des tyrans dans leurs propres demeures. L'impact des nouvelles transformations sur la société a compris seulement la partie intérieure, par l'immitation de la vie, des moeurs, de l'aristocratie de l'ouest et très peu les changements de mentalité. Dans la même mesure l'éloignement gradual des moeurs Greco-levantine, presse, accelére, la fin du régime des phanariots qui connait une dispersion rapide aux premiers décennies du XIXème siècle.

Les représentations de l'exil intérieur dans l'oeuvre de Nicolae Bălcescu,

Les Roumains sous le Prince Michel le Brave

Conferenţiar dr. Simona Antofi

Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Primarily known as a revolutionary figure at 1848 and a Romantic historic theoretician, Nicolae Bălcescu expresses in his Românii supt Mihai Voievod Viteazul the way in which literary strategies and techniques can generate a mythical pattern focusing identity and ethnicity. The Romantic historicist formula symbolically orients the events presented with a double aim: the promotion of revolutionary ideals, covered in a (in)discrete persuasive literary clothes and the textually expression of authorial profile. The real author, finally exiled in Italy after the revolution, re-constructs himself out of the symbolical figures of the interior exile.

Stéréotypes ethniques et identitaires en Roumanie, pendant la transition

Lect. dr. Ioana-Paula Armăsar

Université ˝Transilvania˝, Braşov

În perioada de tranziţie postcomunistă din România se înregistrează o dinamică a mentalităţilor formate în fostul regim, acest fapt putând fi observat mai ales într-o serie de stereotipuri ce ţin de imaginarul colectiv, într-o societate formată din indivizi încă lipsiţi de individualitate în anumite privinţe, mai ales când este vorba de perceperea celuilalt. Pentru înţelegerea unor mecanisme culturale ce au acţionat în această perioadă la noi, este necesară o radiografiere din perspectivă psihosocială a unor teorii încadrate în istoria mentalităţilor, raportate la valorile, atitudinile şi opţiunile românilor după 1989. Lucrarea abordează anumite stereotipuri etnice şi identitare ale maghiarilor şi romilor. În contextul democraţiei este mai vizibilă structurarea spontană a interacţiunii între etnii, ceea ce poate duce la o variabilitate mai mare a fundamentelor de definire a identităţii, dar şi a flexibilităţii stereotipurilor intergrupuri.

Onirismul românesc - între estetic şi politic

Asist. drd. Iuliana Barna

Universitatea Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

The oneiric trend has been seen as an act of insubordination and of deliberate intellectual rudeness towards the unique method of creation imposed by the cultural policy of the communist regime. Even though it arose from a subversive gesture, this literary trend is tolerated for the strictly aesthetical ambitions and political absentee.Even though the political censorship releases the breach of the oneiric group and in the same time, the exile of some authentic writers, the theory of the oneiric leads to the cracking of the ideological monopoly, which promoted the Marxism and has underlay on the directions of the socialist realism.

Blurbs or the Power of Advertising Literature

Asist. drd. Daniela Bogdan

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Les dernières années, les maisons d'édition ont dépensé beaucoup d'argent, d'énergie et de temps afin de donner aux couvertures la valeur marchande, de sorte qu'elles attrapent l'oeil des acheteurs comme un aimant. Et il est vrai, il est devenu un geste réflexe, que quand nous achetons un livre, mous le tournons, afin de lire la brève présentation sur la couverture arrière pour voir de ce qu'il s'agite. Récemment, la même information peut être trouvée sur les sites Web des maisons d'édition qui promouvent leurs productions sur l'Internet. Les textes de présentation de couverture sont, en fait, une forme de la publicité que les éditeurs trouvent toujours irrésistible, bien qu'il n'y ait aucune manière de montrer qu'un texte de présentation de couverture a jamais influencé la décision d'un acheteur potentiel pour le livre, spécialement de nos jours où le marché est déjà saturé par la méthode marchande. Afin de réaliser leur but, les textes de présentation se servent des dispositifs linguistiques et rhétoriques, comme: l'utilisation des épithètes et des superlatifs pour féliciter l'auteur, des phrases elliptiques, de l'impératif - pour convaincre le consommateur – aussi que l'adressage au 2ème personne singulier, de l'utilisation des questions rhétoriques et de quelques citations directement du livre. Les maisons d'édition ont choisi d'imprimer sur la couverture arrière, de l'exacts des journaux, des magasins ou des miettes des entrevues appartenant à quelques critiques ou écrivains, abondant des éloges au travail ou l'auteur. C'est pour cela que la dernière couverture établit pratiquement la stratégie de marketing, ayant comme objectif unique, aussi comme la publicité en général, l'intention d'inoculer « au consommateur » le désir d'acheter le livre.

Updike's Terrorist Wayward World

Conf. dr. Ruxanda Bontilă

“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi

John Updike – 18 Mars 1932—27 Janvier 2009 – s'est évadé pour de bon de ce monde capricieux pour s'installer dans le bon univers de la littérature. Updike remembered est l'objet de ma contribution dédiée à un auteur qui a transformé l'horreur de l'imposture, de l'ostentation et de l'hypocrisie dans un état naturel d'existence. Dans Le Terroriste (2006), Updike essaie de pénétrer dans l'intimité d'un jeune musulman dévot qui, comme la plupart de ses personnages, défie un monde égaré et cherche désespérément à trouver un remplacement pour remplir le vide. Malheureusement, Updike démontre que le sentiment religieux fervent ne peut qu'éloigner l'individu de sa nature humaine, tandis que les menaces à son existence hasardeuse et problématique dans ce monde deviennent de plus en plus intenses. L'indoctrination religieuse, tout comme l'indoctrination politique, appauvrit l'individu de ses ressources naturelles, en le laissant dénué de son génie originaire. Elle promet l'élévation de l'esprit, mais, en fait, elle ne fait que l'annihiler. Par contraste, comme partout dans ses romans, Updike suggère que l'absence de toute idéologie peut aider l'homme à accepter les complexités nouvelles de l'environnement culturel d'aujourd'hui.

Discursul mitic publicitar

Lect. dr. Mihaela Cîrnu

Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Diese Arbeit zeigt, auf welche Weise und mit welcher Intention Werbung auf der formalen und inhaltlichen Ebene mythische Narration vermittelt. Dem Mythos kommt bei der Inszenierung von Konsumfeldern ein wachsender Stellenwert zu. Mit dem Trend der Mythen-Werbung reagiert die Werbewirtschaft auf die Sehnsucht nach Mythen in der Gesellschaft und nutzt diese für ihre Zwecke.

Discurs politic şi strategii alegorice în fabula lui Grigore Alexandrescu

Asist. drd. Ana-Elena Costandache

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” - Galaţi

Cet article propose quelques observations sur une partie de l'oeuvre de l'écrivain roumain de la génération de l'année 1848, Gr. Alexandrescu, les fables. Sous l'influence visible de La Fontaine et d'autres écrivains qui pratiquent la fable, l'écrivain a réussi la réalisation d'une véritable satire politique de son temps, a créé un discours politique versifié et des figures allégoriques. Les allusions fines, le langage satirique montrent des traits caractéristiques des personnes impliquées de son temps dans les mouvements sociaux que Gr. Alexandrescu a su surprendre dans ses oeuvres.

Structures mytho-politiques et satire antitotalitaire

dans La Ferme des animaux par George Orwell

Lect. dr. Alina Crihană

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Animal Farm, a satirical allegory of the Stalinist totalitarian ideology, becomes much more than a simple roman à thèse rooted both in the epic beastly fable and the philosophical story enhancing covert political meaning. Beyond the explicit deconstruction of the great communist myths, such as the Prometeic religion or the Revolution oriented towards getting to the Realm of Justice, Orwell's satire meditates on the mental, socio-political mechanisms allowing the pathologic totalitarian deviation within any type of historical context.

De la science sacrée aux livres sacrés : idéologèmes politiques et herméneutique romanesque dans Un Tombeau pour Boris Davidovitch par Danilo Kis

Lect. dr. Alina Crihană

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

A Tomb for Boris Davidovich, a political parable focusing the horrors of the Stalinist world between the two World Wars, turns to be a “poietic” novel also, reflecting its own structures and patterns. By building up a historiographic metafiction based on different “existential files” put together by an historian playing the role of both mythical and real history bricoleur, the main character named Danilo Kis de-constructs the symbolical scenarios of the „new Stalinist religion”, re-reading them through the holly Jewish and Christian books where, beyond the great utopias, he looks for the totalitarian type of „crossing the boundaries”.

Le personnage de Guica: hypostases du colportage (II)

Asist. drd. Matei Damian

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Notre recherche se propose de mettre en évidence la complexité d'un personnage-clé du premier volume de Moromeții de Marin Preda. Nous analyserons Maria Moromete, surnommée Guica, la soeur du protagoniste et la force noire qui guide la narration. Si Ilie Moromte est perçu comme facteur d'équilibre de l'action, Guica représente sans doute, le pôle opposé, puisqu'à une analyse plus raffinée, nous créditons facilement ce personnage-là comme principale source de la désagrégation et du désastre. Guica sait parler d'elle si précisément de sorte qu'elle réussit à saper de manière programmatique la famille de Moromete selon un projet bien dressé. Guica n'est pas chicanière comme on croirait, mais, au contraire, pratique un monopole rudimentaire de l'information, ce qui dernièrement l'arme la plus redoutable de toute dispute au niveau du sujet. Nous passerons en revue les dernières étapes de l'évolution de Maria Moromete pendant le déroulement de l'intrigue du premier tome du roman en question.

Les professions de foi du théâtre romantique français

Lector dr. Mirela Drăgoi

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Paginile care definesc drama romantică proiectează o nouă concepţie asupra teatrului. Iniţiatorii acestui gen dramatic propun subiecte legate de marile evenimente istorice şi o tehnică mai puţin riguroasă în redarea lor, pentru a apela la toate simţurile spectatorilor. Teoriile elaborate între 1809 şi 1827 continuă reforma începută în secolul al XVIII-lea şi schiţează o schimbare decisivă în arta teatrală. Ele nu fac însă decât să pregătească terenul pentru ceea ce se întâmplă după 1827 în textele lui Stendhal, Victor Hugo şi Alfred de Vigny. Pornind de la aceste pagini, ne propunem să identificăm formulele esenţiale ale dramei romantice franceze, dar mai ales punctele comune şi/sau divergenţele reperabile în poetica teatrului din secolul al XIX-lea.

Discurs ideologic şi discurs literar în Viaţa românească: anul 1958

Lect. dr. Nicoleta Ifrim

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Within the Romanian critical discourse of the 58's, the political constraints and their ideological patterns turn into overt writing strategies to be followed in the creative texts. Secondly, the analysis techniques have to reflect the same political orientation during the reading process, so that the text itself, be it narrative or lyrical, is to convey political values surpassing the aesthetic ones. It is the case of the studies published in Viata romaneasca, the well-known cultural journal of Romanian literature, which seems to develop a special ideological discourse when dealing with the literary text.

De la „convenţia literaturii” la „literatura convenţiei”

în discursul critic al Vieţii româneşti: anul 1958

Lect. dr. Nicoleta Ifrim

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” Galaţi

The Romanian critical discourse of the 58's, as reflected in the studies published in Viata romaneasca, displays a dual function: on the one hand, the ideological patterns turn into overt writing strategies to be followed in the creative texts; on the other, the text itself tries to emerge out of the political patterns in order to express real aesthetic values.

”Tânăra generaţie”. Foşti naţionalişti în faţa comunismului românesc

şi a stângii occidentale

Lect. dr. Mara Magda Maftei

Academia de Studii Economice, Bucureşti

This article deals with the period after the second World War of the young generation. It insists on the the separation from the Romanian history of the three stars of the exile, Eliade, Cioran, Ionescu. The ex nationalists who refused to leave the country, the case of Noica for example, have a different interpretation of history than the three above mentioned. The Romanian context versus the Western left represents a key analysis of this paper.

Les commandements politiques et les intellectuels dans les miroirs du texte

Prof. dr. Doiniţa Milea

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

The aesthetic “mise en scene” of the political power and the writer's intrusion into the life of the “city” are not specific only to the totalitarian regimes of the XXth century, even if it seems so within the analytical domanin. Literature, generally speaking, is seen as a mirror of social conflicts and pressures that are to be faced by the intellectual individuals living in a certain époque that are determined to make their choices concerning ideology and discursive patterns. Thus, the socio-political feature of literature determines an indeological profile of fiction, recurrent themes specific to the writer's either implicit or explicit social commitment, narrative strategies such as parable or allegory, all of them meant to guide political, philosophical, religious choices of some important writers, that are to be interpreted as such for their political correctness.

Arhitecturarea iconului mediatic în spaţiul cultural românesc.

Studiu de caz: brandul Liviu Mihaiu”

Conf. dr. Ana Maria Munteanu

Universitatea Ovidius” din Constanţa

The mix is a strategy frequently used in advertising, political or social marketing, but the data resulted from marketing research being usually confidential, the publicity develops itself in connection with private or institutional interests without a necessary theoretical reflection (medium level studies) or public debates concerning the social and cultural impact of hyper-mediation. Our purpose was to clarify the articulations at the level of the symbolic power of juste (which incorporates the marks of dissidence and anti communism) with the “efficient” symbolic power of media corporations, these being the “territory” on which the icon will impose civic values, connected to the legitimate actors who carry this anticommunist message in post-communism and the centers of integrity that they hold in the public space imbricate in that of the market and the other way around.The iconic image of “Liviu Mihaiu” represents a center of reliability that irradiates invulnerable messages in a space defined as a system of legitimate positions (the invulnerability of integrity). Therefore, anti-communism goes from a legitimating value of the Romanian society after 1989 to a solid value of the consumerist society which reactivates itself efficiently in the pleadings about mentality change and the strengthening of the “centers of integrity” of the memory which could be erased by the actual preponderantly mercantile orientation of the new generations that have never directly known communism. If we associate culture with a policy of representation and, implicitly, with a production mode similar to the production of any goods, we can talk about a course towards singularity served as “difference // opposition within the temporal whirl – past, present, future,” where the present is established as point of freedom contrasting with the privative character of the past, which allows for clear distinctions, the differential mechanism being irreducible and invariant (it is not modified by means of negotiation), no matter how far the play on words, the pun, the joke, etc., may be carried. Thus, the characteristics of universal history are translated at a national (local) level: the supply of themes and messages is “not only retrospective, but also contingent, singular, ironic, and critical”. The flow system of information multiplies feed-back, people themselves innitiating and developing platforms managed by the editorial board of the “Academia Catavencu” weekly newspaper, at “Realitatea” television station, or within other media channels. The greatest media coverage is provided for the two campaigns employing as argumentative structure the opposition between the Communist period and the need for balance and adjustment to the values of the democratic society. This opposition results in the need for a trial of Communism allowing for the therapy of society crises generated by confusion and lack of guide marks.

Efemeritatea valorilor, a mecanismelor istorice, politice şi literatură.

Actualizarea mecanismelor istorice prin politic

drd. Elena Niţă

Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Considering that the iron curtain had placed Romania under the immediate soviet's influence and that literature became a means of communist propaganda, one should understand prose encountered another development than the Western Europe. Allegory, metafiction and parody are the weapons that writers could use against political censorship. Both Mircea Eliade's Noapte de Sânziene and Nicolae Breban's Bunavestire emphasize the relation between fiction and reality through the means of masculinity and femininity. This relation turns to be the narration, the epic substance itself because man is the fiction metaphor which shapes and creates reality (symbolized by the woman). In order to conquer her, he must first avoid her charms, this is the tragic condition of the one who can't enjoy his victory, even though he is a conqueror. Grobei will master the existence in itself, but not his real life.The communist censure obliges the lector to different levels of reading and we consider the political interpretation to be one of the most important; from this point of view the feminine characters of the both novels become perspectives of the national country. While Nicolae Breban seems to be more interested in political mechanism in itself, Mircea Eliade focuses on war and communism influences upon Romania.

La Libération Spirituelle du Personnage Beckettien à travers les Objets

Prep. Maria Mirabela Paraschiv

Universitatea ”Petrol şi gaze” din Ploieşti

In this article the author intends to present a new concept of spiritual liberation which is manifested by the use of objects from the characters. In the'50s a new type of theater is to reverse what was hitherto structure, character design, language and dramatic scenery, the report of the spectator to the spectacle, ideology, all that tradition as it was assumed by the theater. The materials stage, the stage become a raw material for the writer of a theater of the economy and the suggestion at the level of the agglomeration stage. The space and the objects acquired a new value in Beckett's work; they are no longer objects of the action, but objects-signs. Through this article, having as support three Beckett's plays: "Endgame", "Waiting for Godot," "Oh! Sunny Days!" we will demonstrate the function of objects as instruments used by the characters in their attempt to find a new perspective of the liberation of their thinking.

The Utopian Idiom of the Nationalistic Discourse

in Timothy Mo's The Redundancy of Courage

Lect. drd. Angela Stănescu

Universitatea Valahia” din Târgovişte

The present paper examines Timothy Mo's rendition and analysis of the discourses of decolonization politics in his novel The Redundancy of Courage (1991), which fictionalizes the drama of the newly independent nation of Danu, actually a thinly disguised version of East Timor. The novel presents the colonial and postcolonial history of the island of Danu, focusing on the factionalist nature of post-independence politics which leads to chaos and civil war. The author is particularly concerned with the linguistic, psychological and emotional potency of the discourses of nationhood, self-government and socialism propounded by the prevailing governing force of Danu, and dissects the symbiotic relationship between language, stance and image in ideological argumentation and persuasion. Even if the narrator is a sympathizer of the fledgling socialist government of the island, he ironically comments on the manipulation tactics and discursive strategies of nationalistic utopianism, often disingenuously meant to conceal the crudity of mere power politics. However, the discourse of the nation is favourably compared and contrasted with the far more pernicious manipulations of the neo-colonial discourses deployed to justify the invasion and re-colonization of Danu by the neo-imperialistic forces in the region, supported by the vested interests of Western capital.

The Ideology of Postmodernism

Asist. dr. Andreia Irina Suciu

Universitatea din Bacău

More or less accepted as a self-standing trend, more or less clearly defined, more theorised upon and less praised, postmodernism has gained its page in the history of literature, art, criticism, politics, technology and what not. Thus, extensive studies have been written trying to establish the new ideology of the new trend, trying to trace origins and set boundaries, to distinguish between features and follow the causes and effects. Our paper tries to be a brief account of all these mentioned above, with a focus on the main theories and theorists, always filtered through or applied on the work of Malcolm Bradbury who, from the double position of critic and writer, and spanning a creative period of approximately four decades, offers a clear example of the manner in which the postmodern ideology changed with each decade while still comprising a broad, constant spectrum.

Power of Subcultural Ideology: The Case of Romanian Hip-Hop

Lect. dr. Daniela Şorcaru

Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Romanian hip-hop has fed and thrived on most of its original influences, but also on Romanian cultural specific elements to the point of emerging as a stand-alone music genre, rapidly growing in popularity all over the country. Only this time it is not about the underground. Although censorship is still being exercised, more and more people of all ages and social conditions are beginning to listen to this type of music and Romanian hip-hop groups are collaborating with TV stations in order to promote national culture and history. The power of it ideological discourse becomes clearer when analyzing the impact it has on the subcultural community members.

Image and Ideology in the Discourse of Ezra Pound

drd. Pompiliu Ştefanescu

Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Cet article analyze d'abord l'importance et le traitement de l'image en tant que matière poétique dans les oeuvres d'Ezra Pound, à partir de la création du mouvement imagiste dans les années du début du 20ème siècle, avec ses influences et son impact internationales, en continuant avec la théorisation et emploi de l'image dans les Cantos à de différents niveaux de lecture. L'article analysera par la suite le processus de la construction de l'ideologie littéraire moderniste par une présentation d'un contenu d'idées encyclopédique, dans une forme poétique libérée et variée. La dispersion de cette idéologie parmi les figures marquantes des différents domaines de l'art et le soutien des nouvelles voix litteraires dans la voie moderniste seront prises en compte, tout comme le mélange des perspectives politiques radicales et des principes economiques utopiques dans les Cantos aussi que dans d'autres textes. Le but de cette presentation est de jeter un regard nouveau sur la naissance d'une nouvelle idéologie esthétique et littéraire par le biais d'une mentalité d'une des plus influentes et controversées de la littérature moderniste.

„Eevenimentul” de presă. Un studiu de caz: Tanacu

Asist. cercet. dr. Claudia Talaşman Chiorean

Istitutul de Cercetări Sociale - Centrul de Cercetare in Jurnalism al Facultăţii de Ştiinţe Politice, Administrative şi ale Comunicării din cadrul Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca

The way from event happened to news is a real challenge for each and every journalist. Not many from those that make an attempt to assume that way really manage up to the targeted point of their ascension. Nevertheless, nobody thinks of the event itself as a failure from the part of the objectivity and this only because media objectivity is, in fact, just a utopic dream.

Regularities of Behaviour' in Translating Culture-Bound Elements –

the Cases of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights

drd. Andreea-Mihaela Tamba

Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi

Şcoala Doctorală de Studii Filologice

Articolul îşi propune să analizeze strategiile folosite în traducerea termenilor culturali, scopul final fiind acela de a identifica „regularităţi de comportament” (“regularities of behaviour"), în acest sens. Sintagma amintită, propusă de către traductologul israelian Gideon Toury, face referire la tendinţa sistematică a traducătorilor de a opta pentru soluţii de traducere similare, ca răspuns la probleme asemănătoare. Vom cerceta, în vederea efectuării unei analizei contrastive, un corpus de traduceri din literatura victoriană, care cuprinde două ediţii ale unei traduceri în limba română a romanului Jane Eyre (1948 şi 1972), precum şi două versiuni româneşti ale romanului La răscruce de vânturi (Wuthering Heights,1959 şi 1978).

De la discursul ideologic socialist la discursul politic postdecembrist.

Analize publicistice de Mircea Nedelciu

drd. Onorica Tofan

Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Mircea Nedelciu has a coherent, articulated thinking system that is to be followed in theoretical texts, as well as in his prose and journalistic articles. He is a kind of writer aware of whatever he needs to write, of narrative themes and strategies. His writings prove him to be a very educated person in touch with reality. His articles in Suplimentul literar şi artistic al tineretului liber, durring the first half of 1990, build a framework of the social-political aspects of life, and observe, more or less ironically,the political discourses of the newly emerged politicians.

The Postmodernist Writers in the Postwar Literary Canon

Prof. Rodica Mihaela Zanet

Grup Şcolar ”Traian”, Galaţi

Lucrarea de faţã îşi propune sã urmãreascã, pe de o parte oportunitatea unei discuţii despre canon, pe teritoriul românesc, iar, pe de altã parte, modul în care scriitorii postmodernişti sunt acceptaţi în cadrul recentelor discuţii despre canonul postbelic românesc. Discuţia româneascã despre canon a început de la articolul lui Sorin Alexandrescu „Pentru un mai grabnic sfârşit al canonului estetic“şi s-a înteţit cu traducerea cãrţii lui Harold Bloom, “Canonul occidental”, cele douã eseuri ale lui Mircea Martin şi un articol al lui Virgil Nemoianu. Dezbaterea, haoticã, aruncând pe piaţã o colectie uriaşã de prejudecãţi, confuzii şi resentimente, a durat relativ puţin (doi ani) şi s-a terminat, previzibil, brusc şi nedecis. Importatã forţat din spatiul american, dezbaterea a pus la noi o falsã problemã şi n-a avut o mizã realã, în ciuda energiilor puse în joc. A fost o tentativã de dezbatere canonicã în lipsa deteritorializãrii, a multiculturalismului, a feminismului, a conflictelor.Consider cã, atîta vreme cât realitatea socio-culturalã româneascã nu cerea, în mod real, un alt criteriu valorizant şi nici canoane alternative, „bãtãlia canonicã“ a fost doar pretextul unor revizuiri în cheie eticã ale literaturii postbelice şi al unei lupte între saizecişti si optzecişti.Afirmaţii precum „Scriitorii postmoderni nu pot intra decât la periferia canonului neomodernist, ca o extravaganţã“ nu fac decât sã complice discuţia despre canon. La baza unor astfel de afirmaţii stã faptul cã postmoderniştii modificã fundamental chiar conceptul de “literaturã”, care se extinde acum dincolo de spaţiul pur beletristic, inducând şi genurile nonficţionale (jurnal, corespondenţã, literaturã de popularizare) şi literaturile noncanonice (literatura minoritãţilor naţionale, cea pentru femei etc.). Literatura postmodernistã are şi trebuie sã aiba locul ei bine stabilit în canonul postbelic deoarece contribuţia acestor scriitori nu poate fi negatã, chiar dacã asistãm la o esteticã în care graniţele culturale, limitele genurilor şi ale speciilor literare se anuleazã. Asemenea avangardei, cu care are ceva în comun în ceea ce priveşte raportarea la trecut şi exclusivismul aplicat unei însemnate pãrţi din literatura ce a precedat-o, generaţia optzeciştilor s-a aşezat sau s-a clasicizat, devenind, uneori în detrimentul reprezentanţilor generaţiilor anterioare, obiect de programã şcolarã. In aceste condiţii, discuţia despre canon se reduce la o disputã financiarã şi la o disputã de orgoliu, existând tendinţa de eliminare din canon a autorilor generaţiei'60 în favoarea introducerii celor din generaţia '80.

De la séduction à la persuasion dans la publicité.

Deux arguments pour assener la beauté féminine 

Lect. dr. Carmen Andrei

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Fenomen complex şi definitoriu al societăţii contemporane, publicitatea face parte indubitabil din viaţa cotidiană a tuturor. Pentru a vinde cu orice preţ, publicitatea recurge la procedee stilistice, lingvistice şi vizuale atent alese. Ea îmbată cu promisiuni şi oferă factice prime de seducţie oferindu-i publicului-ţintă cea mai bună imagine posibilă despre el însuşi. Aceasta reacţionează prin « forţa de clopotniţă » sau « forţa de expansiune ». Propunem în articolul de faţă, pe lângă o abordare teoretică a diferitelor aspecte de constituire şi funcţionare a acestei « amante fabuloase » şi două discursuri publicitare în oglindă despre acelaşi produs de înfrumuseţare feminină (o cremă antirid), unul care datează din secolul al XIX-lea, inserat în romanul balzacian César Birotteau şi unul recent, de sfârşit de secol XX, pentru a pune în lumină asemănările, dar şi diferenţele de paradigmă argumentativă.

Langage, communication et persuasion. Quelques considérations

Prof. Marian Antofi

Şcoala generală „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Galaţi

The pragmatic component of the text grammar turns into the basic mean to relate the vivid dynamic linguistic mechanism to reality. It is well-known that one who will transmit information is expressing himself too, creating some special links to the communication situation itself, as well as to the cultural, social, economic and political contexts. Thus, the different perspectives on world and linguistic functions seen as main communication instrument are subjected to a particular ideology focusing the aspects of living in a certain community.

„Îngustarea” limbii române şi atitudinea faţă de împrumutul lingvistic neologic

în cadrul preocupărilor pentru modernizarea limbii române literare

la cărturarii Şcolii Ardelene

Lect. drd. Ionel Apostolatu

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

One of the most important aspects of the standard Romanian language modernization that started at the end of the 18th century was the vocabulary enrichment with the help of loanwords, in attempt to extend the means of expression of our cultural language (especially in its written aspect). Because of the Romanian enthrallment to the Old Church Slavonic in such domains as religious service, culture and administration, during de 16th and 17th centuries many scholars experienced, especially when translating monumental religious texts, the feeling of „language penury”. Beginning with the Transylvanian School's activity, there comes into being a favorable trend fo the modernization of the standard Romanian vocabulary by a programmatic association with Latin, on the one hand, and the related Romance languages (especially French and Italian), on the other hand. The entire process gradually got the proportion of a true „re-romanization” / „re-latinization” of the Romanian standard language, in which the linguisitic loan had a major role. Although there were scholars who had a rather temperate attitude to the loan solution, suggesting that the inner resources (i.e. derivation) to enrich the vocabulary are preferable, most of the 18th century Transylvanian intellectuals involved in philological disputes took favourable position towards the need of language development by loanwords of Latin-Romance origin.

An Aspect of Globalization Ideology:

The Impact of English Words on Other European Languages

Asist. Rodica-Cristina Apostolatu

Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Limba engleză ocupă o poziţie specială la nivel mondial, fiind socotită o limbă internaţională sau globală. Această engleză globală este uneori descrisă drept o „lingua franca”. E folosită de un mare număr de vorbitori, atât în Europa, cât şi în restul lumii. Este limba internetului, a filmului, a ştiinţei ori a sportului. Este limba „banilor”, vorbită în lumea afacerilor, dar şi limba diplomaţiei, vorbită în anticamera puterii. Lucrarea ia în dscuţie o problemă de actualitate în contextul globalzării: expansiunea dominaţiei limbii engleze la nivel internaţional, precum şi efectele acesteia asupra altor limbi.

Lingvistică şi ideologie în presa filologică românească

Lect. dr. Valeriu Bălteanu

Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Our paper talkes about the beginnings of the Romanian philological press, in the communist period; it debates the total negative effects of the impact of the communist ideology over the different types of articles which were published in philological reviews of those times.

Ist die Ersetzung der Oikonyme begründet oder nicht?

Cercet. şt. Daniela Butnaru,

Asistent de cerecetare Ana-Maria Prisacaru

Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”

Academia Română – Filiala Iaşi

Les noms des localités se sont formés, naturellement, à partir du nom de son maître ou d'une personne importante de cette région, à partir du nom du ruisseau qui traverse leur territoire ou d'un autre objet géographique de la zone où elles sont placées, etc.Les auteures présentent dans leur intervention quelques raisons de modification ou de changement des oïconymes, en donnant des exemples. Dans la deuxième partie, sont présenté les conséquences: le changement des noms, fait par l'administration, a comme résultat un éloignement de l'histoire de la communauté et de l'identification de la localité par son nom, surtout que, après l'instauration des noms commémoratifs ou des noms abstraits, il y a beaucoup des séries homonymiques ou parce que quelques villages ont eu 2-3 noms différents pendant le dernier siècle.

Gender in Basic Turkish Dictionary

How Sexism Operates in Basic Turkish Dictionary

Hatice Çubukçu, Mehtap Eşme, Ferda Ilerten

University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey

Although there exists a substantial amount of research investigating gender ideologies underlying a wide variety of texts, towards minimizing sexism in languages, scant attention has been directed to the investigation of dictionaries which are “major resources” about specific languages and that inherently bear the cultural repertoire of given speech communities. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether and/or to what extent the lexical items related to female and male genders in the Basic Turkish Dictionary reflect sexist ideologies in favor of one or the other category. It is expected that the study will help uncover how F/M genders are categorized and conceptualized in Turkish culture as well as raising awareness regarding sexist practices in the language, and lastly by contributing to the dictionary to re structure its discourse on its republication .To this end, the definitions of 1300 words were categorized utilizing Conceptual Analysis (Carley 1992). Also analyzed in this study were 256 illustrative sentences in the light of CDA by considering aspects such as agency, co-occurancy (Fairclough 1995; Huckin 2003) to see how F /M words are contextualized in the dictionary regarding gender ideology.

On Language and Power

Conf. dr. Daniela Doboş

Universitatea „Al.I.Cuza”, Iaşi

La începutul secolului al XXI-lea, problemele privind identitatea, puterea şi limbajul au căpătat o amploare fără precedent. Lucrarea analizează variatele conexiuni dintre limbă şi putere, inclusiv discursul tehnocratic, din perspectiva limbii engleze, care este ea însăşi percepută drept o super-putere. Ideologiile de forţă ale limbajului condiţionează în permanenţă alegerile lingvistice ale vorbitorilor.

Manipulation through Words: The Collateral Circumstances of Persons

Rhetorical Device in Political Speeches

Lect. dr. Valentina Curelariu

Universitatea ,,Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava

Le succès des discours politiques dépend largement des premiers mots que les politiciens prononcent devant l'auditoire auquel ils s'adressent. En manipulant les pensées, la conduite et les actions de l'audience – c'est-à-dire en la persuadant ou en la dissuadant de la légitimité d'une certaine idéologie, en la captant ou en l'incitant à (ré)agir – il faut toujours que cette audience soit d'accord avec le locuteur et attentif et réceptif au discours. Si l'audience ressent dès le début du discours qu'elle est déconsidérée par le locuteur, ou bien que ses origines ou domicile sont sous estimés, ou bien que l'occasion avec laquelle ce discours est prononcé est sans importance pour l'orateur tandis qu'elle sent le contraire, il est très probable qu'elle perde l'intérêt au sujet de ce qu'on communiqué. Bref, si l'homme politique ne possède pas ce qu'on appelle généralement considération de l'audience, il perd sa crédibilité et son message ne sera jamais saisi par l'auditoire. Afin d'éviter une telle situation indésirable et afin de montrer à l'audience qu'ils sont bien ancrés dans les réalités avec lesquelles elle se confronte, au début de leurs discours les hommes politiques font souvent recours à un subterfuge rhétorique appelé par Giambattista Vico des circonstances collatérales. Dans son , «Art de la rhétorique », il énumère les circonstances collatérales de la place, du temps, des sujets et des personnes. (Vico, 1996: 71) Notre article analyse les fragments introductifs de vingt discours politiques célèbres prononcés en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis au cours du temps où le subterfuge rhétorique des circonstances collatérales des personnes veut stimuler le sens esthétique de l'auditoire et réduire la distance entre le locuteur et l'auditoire, de sorte que sa disponibilité à écouter soit considérablement augmentée ainsi que son désir d'accepter l'idéologie que le locuteur transmit à travers son discours.

Ideologizarea publică prin „noua limbă de lemn”

Prof. dr. Stelian Dumistrăcel

Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”

Academia Română – Filiala Iaşi

The so-called ”wooden language” of the political and journalistic discourse in nowadays Romania is evaluated as a means of idelological persuasion that can be associated to the one of the communist regime. This association can be made because they have similarities in external/internal sources and resources for linguistic patterns, usage of codes, linguistic violence, etc. The reason why press and audiovisual discourse turns into ”wooden language” is that mass-media, asumming the authority of being the ”fourth power” of the democratic state, reinforces its status through a ”performant” discourse. Analyzing these aspects from a pragmatic point of view, we can see that the use of ”wooden language” for press and politics is related to the coșerian concept of ”functional languages”, thus having a justification for rejecting it, starting from ethical and esthetical criteria.

An Indicator of Speaker NonCommitment in Romanian –

CUM CĂ - and its Role in Discourse

lect. dr. Alina Ganea

“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania

L'évidentialité comprend une catégorie de marqueurs linguistiques qui indiquent la source de l'information dans un énoncé. Originairement étudiée dans des langues amérindiennes qui se servent d'un affixe pour exprimer que l'information transmise est le résultat de la perception directe, de l'inférence ou qu'il s'agit d'un contenu retransmis, des analyses récentes ont élargi le domaine de l'évidentialité, y intégrant des langues qui ne possèdent pas de catégorie grammaticale évidentielle. Désignées stratégies évidentielles et définies comme des formes qui ne possèdent pas de sens spécifiquement évidentiel mais qui acquièrent contextuellement une telle interprétation (Aikhenvald, 2004), les formes linguistiques à usage évidentiel ne fonctionnent pas façon uniforme et récurrente dans le discours. En roumain ce phénomène a été partiellement étudié par R. Zafiu dans la dernière édition de Gramatica Limbii Române (GA, Editura Academiei Române, 2008: 715-718) comme un sous-domaine de la modalité épistémique, opposée à la modalité cognitive. Le but de cette recherche est de reconsidérer un des indicateurs évidentiels discutés en GA, cum că, afin de fournir des contextes d'usages qui mettent en évidence son comportement contextuel et d'investiguer ses effets argumentatifs dans le discours. Cette recherche est soutenue par le Ministère de l'Education, de la Recherche et de la Jeunesse dans le cadre du programme PNII ID 1209/2007.

Terminologie si ideologie – terminologia economiei socialiste

Lect. dr. Teodora Ghivirigă

Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi

Styling itself a science, socialist economics or „scientific socialism”, based on the Marxian theory of value, produced (under the influence of Russian models mainly) in Romanian an ample set of linguistic units (both simple and complex/syntagmatic) that were – along the nearly five decades in which the socialist regime held in Romania – recorded in specialised dictionaries as terms. Of this set, some belonged to the initial Marxian theory (plusvaloare, plusprodus, timp de muncă socialmente necesar etc.) as defined by the creator itself, while others were coined by his followers (deosebiri esenţiale dintre oraş şi sat în capitalism). The present papers analyses the discourse of definitions of the latter excerpted from specialised dictionaries in order to disqualify some of them as terms since they do not meet the requirements of a coherent scientific terminology and to present such definitions as samples of ideological discourse that display instances of polarized thought (based on the categories US and THEM) and relying on group representations in relations to other groups (centering round issues such as Who are we? What is good or bad? and How we relate to other groups? Although the discourse of socialist economics along with socialist propaganda has been analysed from a rhetorical point of view (to quote only Françoise Thom, 2005, Limba de lemn, Humanitas, Bucureşti), an analysis from the terminological point of view has not been performed yet. The present study may contribute to establishing more accurately the relationship between the current terminology of economics and the pretense of the socialist version.

Dicţionarul limbii române în format electronic (eDTLR) în perspectiva globalizării

cercet. şt. I dr. Gabriela HAJA, cercet. şt. III dr. Elena DĂNILĂ

Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”

Academia Română – Filiala Iaşi

Ce travail présente le projet national eDTLR. Le Dictionnaire (Trésor) de la Langue Roumaine en format électronique (2007-2010), les résultats obtenus jusqu'au présent, les problèmes d'ordre linguistique et informatique, les solutions trouvées.Celui-ci représente l'un des plus importants projets de type collaboratif des dernières années, qui entremêle l'expérience des linguistes lexicographes et les recherches linguistiques appliquée, assistées par l'ordinateur.Les principaux objectifs du projet sont: l'acquisition en format électronique du plus grand travail lexicographique roumain de type académique, Le Dictionnaire de la langue roumaine (comprenant les deux séries) et la réalisation des liaisons entre le dictionnaire et les sources bibliographiques du celui-ci, organisées en tant que base de données. La base de données comprendra, d'une part, la version informatisée du dictionnaire actuel, toutes les sources bibliographiques, en format électronique, et, d'autre part, des programmes spécifiques, réalisés dans le projet, des moteurs de recherche, etc.Les résultats du projet ouvriront une nouvelle étape dans la recherche lexicographique roumaine, ce qui permet l'alignement de la recherche roumaine aux standards internationaux de ce domaine. La version informatisée du dictionnaire facilitera l'accès des spécialistes en romanistique à un instrument de travail indispensable, longtemps attendu, extrêmement utile pour le développement et la préservation de la langue roumaine du point de vue des (dés)avantages que la globalisation suppose.

Quelques remarques sur la fonction phatique

des figures rhétoriques dans le discours de presse

Asist. drd. Cristina Ilinca

Universitatea din Piteşti

This paper deals with one of the functional roles of the figures of speech. We shall analyse how the phatic function is put into practice by some figures of speech to render discourse more dynamic, to activate politeness and to create a better communicative relationship between the journalist and his readers. The study takes into consideration editorials published in five French newspapers (L'Humanité, Libération, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Le Point) before the presidential election of 2007.

Violența lingvistică în limba de lemn a ideologiei comuniste

Lect. dr. Gina Necula,

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”din Galaţi

The so-called ”langue de bois” is known to be one of the most efficient ways to manipulate people into assuming an artificial discourse meant to counteract reality. The present article aims at pointing out the strategies that use linguistic violence either to turning ideological discourse into a familiar one, easier to be recognized and accepted by common speakers, or to undermining the official discourse. These two directions that were traced by Rodica Zafiu, are to be sustained by literary texts in the attemp to recover something from the spirit of language around '60s.

Deprecierea mesajului politic prin violenţa de limbaj

drd. Amalia-Florina Popescu

Colegiul Tehnic Samuil Isopescu, Suceava

The violence of the language is a reflex of the phisical and psichological violence in the actual Romanian society. Perhaps, we are the people with the biggest number of swears, hideaous words and machiavelic expressions in the world. This type of violence worries us. Violence is everywhere as the civilization, the inteligence, the art of conversation and the rationality are completely gone. The violence of the language gets new forms of manifestation in the cultural society. It isn't only swears, obscene words and expressions, but this is a maximum form. We can be as violent as that by simply using humour or irony.The violence of language isn't unfortunately only a therapeutical form, eventhough, apparently, it can shape such an impression. Violence evoques in our minds death, torture, wars, criminality and terorism. In a less dramatic register, we can think at the lack of civilization, insults and outrages, unpoliteness and bad attitudes. Eventhough it is such a known phenomena, it isn't easy at all to attribute a consensual and satisfying definition. It is very known the fact that the press and the audiovisual became the fourth power in the state after the anticomuniste Revolution. The TV violence may “activate” and “create” a violent behaviour. It has the absolute supremacy when talking about violent scenes. Violence becomes a political issue and more than that, a theme for the political campain, and we are living in a society where the communication is very important, as the human being has never “chattered” as much as now. The politicians are more and more subdue to the pressure of the events in the mass-media. They are forced to respond to the challenges of the jurnalists and the also have to construct their own image. The President himself expressed his opinion regarding some jurnalists and some events at many interviews. “The press is more greedy of show than the politicians”, “ Your shainelessness has no limits; I am off duty” . Always annoyed by the cameras, the president has the same rood language regarding the jurnalists. C. V. Tudor is violent in his oficial speeches, too. He has a violent behaviour and language thinking that this is the only way he can impose himself. He sustained the comunist system, having violent articles in the “Romania Mare” magazine.It is possible that this type of discourse deviates from the reality of speaking and even generates new types of discourses.

Approche pragmatique des indicateurs miratifs

Lect. dr. Gabriela Scripnic

Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galati

Lucrearea exploatează conceptul de mirativitate din perspectivă pragmatică, mai precis prin intermediul noţiunii de act de limbaj. Ipoteza care constituie punctul de plecare al analizei este că indicatorii mirativi au rolul: 1) de a exprima emoţiile spontane ale locutorului şi 2) de a contribui la rezolvarea pe cale dialectică a unei dispute, a unei divergenţe de opinii. Această lucrare are la bază studii recente din domeniul mirativităţii precum: Dickinson, 2000; DeLancey, 2001; Montaut, 2004; Molochieva, 2007. Studiul face parte din cercetarea efectuată în cadrul Proiectului SMADEM – IDEI 1209 / 2007 finanţat de Ministerul Român al Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului.

Fundamente ale culturii române:

influenţa creştinismului asupra limbii. Terminologia latină

prof. Irina Stan

Grupul Şcolar de Transporturi Auto-Focşani

Dans notre approche, nous avons tenu compte des programmes scolaires pour le cycle supérieur de l'école secondaire, discipline Langue et Littérature roumaine, approuvé par MedC O. n °. 3252 / 13.02.2006, programmes qui configurent le spécifique de ce segment de la scolarité sur le principe chronologique du phénomène littéraire/culturel. En XIe classe les contenus du domaine de la langue et littérature roumaine visent la focalisation sur la formation des habitudes et des compétences de documentation des élèves en fonction des modules suivants: « Les fondements de la culture roumaine », «Ancienne Période» et « Période moderne »: A., le XIXe siècle - début du XXe siècle" B., « Période de l'entre-deux-guerres (roman)». Notre intention a été de clarifier un certain nombre de questions concernant l'origine de la terminologie chrétienne en roumain, en vue des grandes difficultés rencontrées par les élèves de la première approche (voir, «Latinité et élément lexical de la langue des Daces », « Dimension religieuse de l'existence »), provoqués non seulement par l'obligation d'introduire l'étude de cas, en tant que méthode de l'assimilation des connaissances.

Language Change – Slang Updating

Asist. drd. Cristina-Silvia Vâlcea

Universitatea Transilvania, Braşov

Acest studiu îşi propune să investigheze mult discutata problemă a vocabularului colocvial printr-un studiu de caz care se concentrează asupra felului în care tineri – studenţi şi studente – folosesc cuvintele colocviale. Pentru acest lucru am pornit de la consideraţiile sociolingvisticii care emite ipoteza unei utilizări mai atente – prestigioase – din partea femeilor şi o utilizare mai liberă – mai puţin prestigioasă a vocabularului – de către bărbaţi.

Quelques pas dans le théâtre du discours idéologique

Conf. dr. Narcis Zărnescu

Universitatea ”Spiru Haret”

Notre réflexion évalue trois modalités virtuelles de sémiotisation du discours idéologique: l'idéo-stéréotype, l'idéo-emblème et l'idéo-mythe. Il s'agit donc de trois types de «figement représentationnel» qui opèrent selon deux ordres de socio-cognition: le stéréotypage (catégorisation) et la mythification (symbolisation). Pourrait-on considérer ces trois modèles comme des «avatars médiaculturels» ou comme des effets d'une «parole dépolitisée»? Bien que les médias soient les principaux pourvoyeurs / bénéficiaires du discours idéologique, les structures profondes et inertielles de l'imaginaire ethno-socioculturel continuent à régir la toute puissante «piarité» (marqueur linguistique et conceptuel ‘ironique' pour l'objet d'activité du PR!) ainsi que l'imagerie politique.

Translations in English Language Teaching.

An Investigation of the Communist and Post-Communist Periods

drd. Laura Elena Munteanu,

Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi

L'ouvrage propose un regard d'ensemble de l'impact produit par les différentes orientations dans l'enseignement de l'anglais sur la méthodologie d'enseigner cette langue dans la Roumanie communiste et post-communiste. A travers l'analyse d'un certain nombre de manuels et guides méthodologiques on a envisagé d'établir la mesure dans laquelle ces orientations du monde anglo-saxon ont pu se refléter dans les méthodes roumaines d'enseignement. L'attention est ciblée surtout sur le statut que les traductions ont eu dans ces approches pendant les deux périodes visées, tout particulièrement en Roumanie.

Les enjeux de l'enseignement de la traduction

dans une société mondialisée

conf. dr. Angelica Vâlcu

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi

Cet article se propose d'analyser certains effets de la mondialisation sur l'enseignement de la traduction. Dans les nouvelles conditions, un changement de méthode d'enseignement de la traduction s'impose obligatoirement. Une mise en oeuvre d'actions communes est inévitable et un débat approfondi sur les conséquences et les risques du nouvel état serait très intéressant. Une importance particulière est accordée aux nouvelles technologies qui s'avèrent indispensables pour l'amélioration des résultats de la formation et la mise en oeuvre d'un système d'enseignement mondialisé.