Référence bibliographique : Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania (CP) , ALMA MATER Publishing House“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, 2017. EAN13 : 1224239X.
Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania (CP) is a peer-reviewed annual journal, issued by the Faculty of Letters, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Romania and published by “Alma Mater“ Publishing House.
With a twenty-year tradition in the field of cultural and literary studies in Romania, CP has recently become the official journal of CETAL Research Centre (Centre for Textual Exploration and Action through Language) and continues to disseminate scholars’ research findings, innovations and reflections.
The papers of issue 21/2016 point at the enduring or emerging symbolic meanings and cultural practices associated with physical and social cityscapes; they also encompass specific aspects of linguistic landscapes along with emotional and spiritual scapes of urban dwellers.
CONTENTS - Issue 21/2016
EDITORIAL: Urban scapes
Ioana Boghian
The Space of the Romanian Kitchen. Cultural Practices and Significations
Alicja Cimała
On the Translation of English and Polish terms Selected from the Field of Urban Monument Revitalisation
Maria Czaplicka-Jedlikowska
Jan Twardowski’s Literary Texts for Children. Building a Literary Noosphere through Spiritual Scapes
Agnieszka Grząśko
“What Lamb: What Lady-bird… Where’s this Girle?” On Shakespearean Terms of Endearment
Nadia-Nicoleta Morăraşu, Luminiţa Drugă
The Discursive Construction of Post-communist Romanian Social Identities in Urban Spaces
Nicole Ollier
Smyrna-Detroit-Berlin...: An Urban Quest for Personal Identity in Jeffrey Eugenides’ Middlesex
Book Reviews