"Les miroirs feraient bien de réfléchir avant de renvoyer les images"
Jean Cocteau
The French and Italian department of the University of Kansas invites researchers at all levels to submit proposals for its spring conference, to be held on April 28th in conjunction with Chimères, a peer-reviewed Journal of French & Francophone Literatures and Cultures listed by the MLA Bibliography and now in its forty-fifth year. Selected papers will be published by the journal. The keynote speakers will include Prof. Jan Clarke of Durham University, UK, and Prof. Allan Pasco of the University of Kansas. Our open-ended and multidisciplinary conference will explore the ways in which reflections and refractions of images, themes, or ideas manifest within literature, film and cultural discourse, as well as the ways in which artistic works can act as a mirror for authors, cultures and even entire societies. How does artistic “vision” reflect the outside world? Potential topics could include, but are not limited to:
- Reflections of societal values in either high or low culture;
- Subversion and/or inversion of paradigms;
- Narcissism in literature;
- Responses to the fe/male gaze;
- Mirrors, kaleidoscopes, binoculars: focusing and distorting images;
- Structural symmetries and asymmetries within literature;
- [Re] imagining the self.
Papers are invited from any area of French and Francophone studies and may be in English or French. Prospective presenters may submit abstracts of approximately 300 words by February 28. Please include your name, institution, and mailing address in the email, attach your abstract as a word document, and please send it to both rdecker@ku.edu and bwood70@ku.edu.