Chapter proposals for an international collection on Scopophilia, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Phallus, Sexualities and the Politics of the Gaze. Topics under consideration include:
* Voyeuristic spectatorship and readership in contemporary cinema, television, art, literature, advertising and popular communications.
* Phallic delights, phallic traumas.
* Provoking and provocative texts and textures.
* Scenes, sins, senses, sensations and sensational spectacles.
* Perilous corporeality, physicality and embodiment.
* Sensational adaptations and transferred sensations.
* The politics of striptease cultures.
* Self exposure and exhibitionism as artistic device.
* Emancipating voyeurism and ethical scopophilia.
* Artistic imageries of G-Point and erotic punctum.
* Viewers and readers as voyeurs.
* The embarrassing and embarrassed gaze in pornographies.
* Queer voyeurism and queered phallus.
* Reconsiderations of the politics of objectification and the concept of "to-be-looked-at-ness" in Laura Mulvey's "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" (1975).
* Canonic/non-canonic literatures and the sensational visual pleasures.
* The history of the sensational vision in literature.
Please send a 500-word English proposal by March 15, 2012 to Dr. Padva () AND Dr. Nurit Buchweitz (). All abstracts and manuscripts will go through a review process. If your abstract is accepted, we would like to receive your full English manuscript of 7,000-8,000 words by July 30, 2012.
The collection is edited by Dr. Gilad Padva (the Multidisciplinary Program in Arts and the Communication Department at Tel Aviv University) and Dr. Nurit Buchweitz (Chair of Literature Department at Beit Berl Academic College).