Un nouveau prix vient d'être établi à Trinity College, Dublin, grâce à la générosité du tres-regretté Claude Pichois et de sa veuve, Vincenette.
Il s'agit d'une bourse extrêmement généreuse, qui assure les frais de scolarité à Trinity College, Dublin, pendant les 3 ans du Ph.D. (ce qui correspond à €5,000 approximativement par an), augmentée d'une allocation de €16,000 par an.
En voici les termes:
Trinity College
The University of Dublin
School of Languages, Literatures & Cultural Studies
Claude & Vincenette Pichois Research Award
Applications are invited for the above award which will be
granted from 1 October 2007.
Deriving from donations made by Madame Pichois and the late
Professor Claude Pichois, the Award is made triennially to a
candidate holding a first-class or II.1 Honours Degree in French
(or equivalent) and proposing to embark on a doctoral research
project within the area of nineteenth and/or twentieth-century
French Literature. Award holders must be new entrants to the
research register in the University of Dublin and must engage in
full-time research.
The Award will be renewed annually, normally to a maximum of
three years, on the basis of due academic progress being made
by the recipient. The Award covers EU fees and currently
provides maintenance of €16,000 per annum.
Applications for this Award must be made on the College award
form, together with a complete application for admission to the
research register, inclusive of sealed letters of reference from two
academic referees, each contained in a special envelope provided by the Graduate Studies Office, and must be returned in one single packet to the
Graduate Studies Office, Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland, by 1st May 2007.